
Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook July 2019

Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook July 2019

The July Outlook indicates exceptionally hotter than normal temperatures for southern Alaska and Southeast China, among other places. Much wetter than normal conditions are forecast for western Iran and in a band across Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

South America: Water deficits forecast to diminish considerably but persist in Brazil

South America: Water deficits forecast to diminish considerably but persist in Brazil

A significant retreat of exceptional deficits is forecast November through January, though deficits are forecast for much of Brazil’s northern half and along its southeast coast from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. Intense surpluses are forecast for central Colombia and Venezuela’s northeastern coast into Trinidad and Tobago. Moderate surpluses are forecast for northern Peru, northern Bolivia, southern Paraguay, and Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. After February, a transition from deficit to moderate surplus is forecast for northern Amazonian Brazil.

South America: Water deficits persist in the Amazon Basin, surpluses forecast in Venezuela’s Orinoco Basin

The forecast continues to indicate widespread and in many areas exceptional water deficits across northern South America, particularly in the Amazon Basin. Water surpluses are forecast May through July in Venezuela’s Orinoco and Caroni River Basins and in much of Guyana. Water surpluses will persist in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Uruguay; and central Argentina.