Water deficits are forecast to persist on the Baja Peninsula through September with greatest extent and severity in July. Deficits are forecast in southern Mexico during this period and are expected to be of exceptional severity along the southern Gulf of Mexico in Veracruz, Tabasco, and Oaxaca. Deficits are also forecast in Guatemala and El Salvador, Jamaica and Haiti, and after September may emerge in Belize, Honduras, western Nicaragua and eastern Panama.
Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Water deficits persist in Baja, will emerge around Gulf
Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Moderate water deficits to continue in much of Mexico, emerge in Guatemala
Overall much of Mexico will experience drier than normal conditions. However, exceptional deficits in Baja and across the Gulf of California observed for the past three months are forecast to diminish in the months ahead. From August through October deficits will increase in severity in the state of Veracruz in a wide inland arc from the Gulf of Mexico. Deficits are also forecast during this period for eastern Jamaica and in Haiti. Moderate deficits are forecast to emerge in Guatemala and El Salvador.
Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Water deficits to persist on Baja, continue to emerge in Southern Mexico, Guatemala
Water deficits are forecast to persist on the Baja Peninsula and will continue to emerge in southern Mexico. Moderate surpluses are forecast in Sonora. In Central America deficits are forecast in Guatemala, El Salvador, southern Honduras, western Nicaragua, and eastern Panama. In the Caribbean dry conditions are forecast for Haiti; surpluses in central Cuba will persist through the spring months.
Mexico, Central America, & the Caribbean: Water deficits to persist in southern Mexico, emerge later in Central America
Water deficits are forecast to persist on the Baja Peninsula and will continue to emerge in southern Mexico with exceptional severity. Surpluses are forecast along the Rio Grande River and in a wide path from Sonora southward following the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountain range. Surpluses in central Cuba are forecast to persist through the spring months. Overall for the year moderate deficits are expected in Guatemala and Honduras, though more severe deficits are forecast throughout Central America in the latter months of the forecast period.