Northeast USA

United States: Exceptional water deficits forecast in the Northeast, surpluses in eastern Texas

United States: Exceptional water deficits forecast in the Northeast, surpluses in eastern Texas

The outlook for the United States indicates widespread exceptional water deficits throughout the Northeast from July through September. Deficits of varying severity are also forecast for parts of the Midwest and Upper Midwest, the Pacific Northwest, and California. Widespread water surpluses are expected in eastern Texas and surpluses are also forecast in West Virginia and Nebraska. After September deficits will diminish with the exception of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. Surpluses in Texas will diminish. Widespread surpluses are forecast to emerge in Wisconsin and across the Mississippi River into Minnesota.

Snow Water Equivalent Forecast: Spring snow pack deficits forecast for western Canada, US northern plains, and Western Russia

Large regions of exceptional “snow drought” are reported in the northeast United States, southern Canada, the Italian Alps, and much of Eastern Europe and western Russia, along with large snow surpluses in the western US, Central Russia, and Mongolia. In the first quarter of 2016, much of the snow surplus in the western US is forecast to transition to deficit, and extensive snow deficits are forecast to emerge in western Canada.