17 September 2018
This map presents a selection of regions likely to encounter significant water anomalies during the one year period beginning in June 2018 and running through May 2019 using 3 months of observed temperature and precipitation data and 9 months of forecast data.
The synopsis that follows provides highlights of regional water forecasts. Regional details are available in ISciences Global Water Monitor & Forecast September 17, 2018 (pdf).
United States: The forecast through November indicates that water deficits will downgrade considerably overall leaving mild to moderate deficits, but deficits will be intense along the Arkansas River through Kansas and Colorado, western Colorado, northeastern Utah, along the Canadian River through Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, and in the US Northeast. Areas of surplus include: Montana, the Black Hills of South Dakota, northern Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, and eastern Pennsylvania.
Canada: Through November persistent, vast blocks of exceptional water deficit are forecast in the east. Primarily moderate deficits are expected from southeastern Saskatchewan through southern Manitoba and into Ontario. Areas of more intense deficit include a band across central Manitoba, the upper and middle reaches of the Athabasca River watershed in Alberta, and around Prince George, British Columbia. Intense surpluses are forecast near Fort McMurray, Alberta and Kamloops, British Columbia.
Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean: Though water deficits in the region are expected to diminish and downgrade, the forecast through November indicates severe to exceptional deficits for Mexico’s northern Baja Peninsula and in states along the southern Gulf and across to the Pacific. Primarily moderate deficits are forecast for northern Central America and surpluses are expected in Costa Rica. Extreme deficits are forecast eastern Jamaica.
South America: The near-term forecast through November indicates that exceptional water deficits will diminish considerably in Brazil, but intense deficits are expected across the north and moderate deficits in much of the rest of the country. Deficits are also forecast for Brazil’s northern neighbors, and in Peru, southern Bolivia, and Chile, where conditions may be exceptional. Surpluses will moderate in central Colombia; downgrade slightly in Huánuco, Peru; and shrink somewhat in Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires Provinces in Argentina.
Europe: Intense water deficits will give way to milder conditions after November along with some pockets of moderate surplus. Until then, severe to exceptional deficits are forecast for Germany, particularly in the south and along the Rhine River, as well as in Switzerland, Finland, southeastern Norway, and southern Ireland. Moderate to severe deficits are expected in many other areas including the Baltics, parts of Eastern Europe, Scotland and England, and much of France. Areas of surplus include Hungary and parts of Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria. Surpluses will be intense in southern Hungary.
Africa: The forecast through November indicates extreme to exceptional water deficits in the north from southeastern Algeria to the Red Sea, and deficits nearly as intense for western Ethiopia, the Atbara River, the Blue and White Nile Rivers, and the intersection of Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan. Deficits may be severe on the Kafue River in Zambia. Scattered surpluses are forecast around West Africa and intense surpluses in Tanzania.
Middle East: Through November extreme to exceptional deficits will dominate much of Saudi Arabia, southern and western Iraq, Kuwait, large pockets of southern Iran, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates. Primarily moderate deficits are forecast for the Levant. Deficits of varying intensity are forecast for much of Turkey and will be severe in central Turkey, along its northeastern coast, and through Georgia.
Central Asia and Russia: The forecast through November indicates that water deficits will downgrade considerably in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, western Kazakhstan, and the North Caucasus region. Moderate deficits are forecast for northwestern Kazakhstan and across the border well into southern Russia, but deficits may be severe along the Ural River. Surpluses are forecast in the eastern and southern Ob River watershed of Russia, northern and eastern Kazakhstan, and eastern Kyrgyzstan.
South Asia: The forecast through November indicates that water deficits will persist in Afghanistan, but exceptional deficits will retreat to the southwest. Deficits in southwestern Pakistan will downgrade but remain intense. In India, significant deficits are forecast in the southern third of the country and may be exceptional in pockets of Karnataka and Kerala. Surpluses will downgrade but remain intense in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, and Mizoram, Nepal, and Bangladesh.
Southeast Asia and the Pacific: The near-term forecast through November indicates that water surpluses will shrink and downgrade overall but remain intense in Myanmar and Laos. Extreme to exceptional deficits will increase in western Cambodia, and deficits of generally lesser severity will spread throughout much of Thailand. Deficits will increase in Malaysia, downgrade in Java and Papua New Guinea, and emerge in central Philippines, parts of Indonesia, and East Timor.
East Asia: The near-term forecast through November indicates intense surpluses in China’s Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces; along the Yellow River; in Shaanxi, southern Gansu, and Qinghai; and in Tibet. Surpluses are also forecast for southern China and Hokkaido, Japan. Deficits reaching exceptional intensity are forecast from western Inner Mongolia across much of Xinjiang. Deficits are also expected in the Lower and Middle Yangtze River Basin, South Korea, and southwestern Japan.
Australia & New Zealand: Intense water deficits that have dominated much of Australia in prior months will diminish considerably through November, but deficits of varying intensity are forecast particularly in Victoria and New South Wales, and intense deficits will increase in Tasmania covering much of the western half of the state. Deficits in New Caledonia will downgrade slightly but remain intense, and intense deficits are also expected north of Auckland, New Zealand.
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