Exceptional water deficits are forecast to dominate Northwest Africa, coastal West Africa and southern Africa through September 2016. Exceptional surpluses are expected in East Africa, particularly in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surpluses are forecast to emerge in Ethiopia, Sudan, and the Sahel during the latter portion of the forecast period.
Africa: Exceptional water deficits forecast for North Africa, coastal West Africa, southern Africa
Exceptional water deficits are forecast to dominate North Africa through August 2016 with both deficits and surpluses in some areas. Exceptional deficits are forecast to persist in coastal West Africa and southern Africa. Exceptional surpluses are expected in East Africa, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania. Surpluses are also forecast for western Burkina Faso.
Africa: Water deficits may persist in southern Africa, exceptional surpluses in East Africa
Exceptional water deficits may dominate North Africa through July 2016 with both deficits and surpluses in some areas. Deficits may persist in coastal West Africa, Southern Africa, western Madagascar, and northern Ethiopia. Exceptional surpluses are expected in East Africa, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania.
Africa: Exceptional water surpluses forecast for East Africa, deficits to persist in southern Africa
Exceptional surpluses are expected in East Africa, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania. Exceptional water deficits may dominate North Africa through June 2016 with both deficits and surpluses in some areas. Deficits may persist in coastal West Africa, Southern Africa, Madagascar, and northern Ethiopia.
Africa: Forecast includes exceptional water surpluses in East Africa, deficits in coastal West Africa, southern Africa
The dominant water security issues of interest in Africa continue to be drought in Coastal West Africa and Southern Africa, and water surpluses in East Africa. Coastal West Africa may continue to experience deficits through May 2016, which may reach inland areas. Drought conditions in Southern Africa are forecast to moderate through November, though severe to exceptional deficits are possible December through May. Exceptional surpluses are expected in East Africa through May.