East Asia

East Asia: Water surplus to persist in Yellow, Yangtze, & NE China

East Asia: Water surplus to persist in Yellow, Yangtze, & NE China

The forecast through December indicates that water surpluses in China will remain widespread in the Yellow and Yangtze River Watersheds and in Northeast China, with exceptional anomalies shrinking in the river basins but increasing in the Northeast. Deficits are forecast in Japan.

East Asia: Water surpluses will retreat from southern China

East Asia: Water surpluses will retreat from southern China

The forecast through September indicates that water surpluses will retreat from the Pearl River Basin, downgrade in the Yellow River Basin, and moderate in the lower and middle regions of the Yangtze. Deficits will shrink in Mongolia and Xinjiang but intensify in Yunnan and Guangdong. Surpluses will increase in North Korea.

East Asia: Water surpluses in S China will retreat

East Asia: Water surpluses in S China will retreat

The forecast through August indicates that water surpluses will persist in the Yellow River Basin, downgrade in the Yangtze, and retreat from the Pearl. Deficits will moderate in Yunnan and emerge in Hainan. Near-normal conditions are forecast for Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan.