East Asia

East Asia: Exceptional water surpluses will persist in Guangdong

East Asia: Exceptional water surpluses will persist in Guangdong

The forecast through August 2019 indicates that water surpluses in southeastern China will shrink but remain widespread and intense in the Pearl River Basin with exceptional surpluses in Guangdong. Moderate surpluses are forecast along the Yellow (Huang He) River. Deficits will shrink in Henan and Hubei but will be intense. Primarily moderate deficits are forecast in southern North Korea and across the border into South Korea, and in northern Japan.

East Asia: Intense water surpluses forecast to persist in Guangxi & Guangdong

East Asia: Intense water surpluses forecast to persist in Guangxi & Guangdong

The forecast through July indicates that widespread water surpluses will nearly disappear in southeastern China but will persist in the south and will include exceptional anomalies. Taiwan will transition from deficit to moderate surplus. Exceptional deficits will persist in western Inner Mongolia, and moderate to extreme deficits in Mongolia. Deficits are forecast between the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Severe deficits are forecast for northern Japan.

East Asia: Intense surpluses forecast for Guangxi & Guangdong

East Asia: Intense surpluses forecast for Guangxi & Guangdong

The forecast through June indicates that widespread water surpluses will persist in southeast China but will moderate overall. However, anomalies will be extreme to exceptional in Guangxi and into western Guangdong. Intense surpluses will persist in the Tibetan Plateau. Intense deficits are forecast for Mongolia and from western Inner Mongolia in China across central Xinjiang. Moderate deficits will emerge in North Korea, and moderate to extreme deficits are forecast for Japan.

East Asia: Water surpluses will persist south of the Yangtze

East Asia: Water surpluses will persist south of the Yangtze

The forecast through May indicates the emergence of a vast stretch of extreme to exceptional water deficits in southern and eastern Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, China. Widespread surpluses will downgrade but persist in the Yangtze Basin’s Lower Reaches and in the southern portion of the Middle Reaches. Moderate deficits will emerge in Hainan and conditions in Taiwan will transition to near-normal. Intense deficits will emerge on the Korean Peninsula and will increase in much of Japan.

East Asia: Widespread water deficits forecast for Mongolia

East Asia: Widespread water deficits forecast for Mongolia

The forecast through April indicates a vast stretch of intense water deficits in southern and eastern Mongolia and into Inner Mongolia, China. Moderate surpluses will emerge on the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River. Widespread surpluses will persist in the Yangtze Basin’s Lower Reaches and in the southern portion of the Middle Reaches, reaching into Guangxi. Surpluses will be exceptional in Shanghai and Jiangsu. Deficits are forecast for North Korea and northern Honshu, Japan. Some surpluses are forecast for South Korea and Kyushu, Japan.